facts about kimi the mayan god

You will need to write an introduction to Maya religion and gods and then choose 3 of the gods to write a description about. The Yucatecan Mayans also attributed to him the invention of writing, the calendar, medicine, and agriculture. The world of the living (i.e. The name given to this god means a single god, which is believed to have originated during the early years of the colony, being associated as the father of the creator god of the Mayan indigenous Itzamn. Their adventures are recounted in the 16th-century Popol Vuh. For the Maya, every day has a special meaning and special day ceremonies are carried out. Luxury experiences for a romantic getaway in the new boutique hotel in Riviera Maya: La Casa de la Playa - Xcaret Hotels. Maya art shows that earlier and different versions of the myth existed. Pawahtuun, for example, was a god who stood at the four corners (cardinal directions) of the world, so he is seen in four different forms. Eventually, the younger pair won out, turning the older pair into monkeys. Each community has their day keeper, generally a shaman, who carries out ceremonies on particular days in this calendar. People born on the day Kimi are seen as lucky. Chichen Itza was one of the largest Mayan cities. Vucub Caquix / Principal Bird Deity: A great monster bird, associated with the king vulture, and identified as Vucub Caquix in the Popol Vuh, in which he sets himself up as the false sun before the dawn of time, and the Hero Twins shoot him down with blowguns. 2. They are generous, caring and happy people. Mayan Gods - The Dedication. "Gods and Goddesses of the Maya." There are many stories and myths about Itzamna since he was considered a cultural hero by the Maya. 1. This goddess was represented with the following aspects and events of the Mayan culture: All this made the moon goddess the most relevant female deity among the main gods of the Mayans. Gill, N.S. The misunderstanding stems from seeing many drawings of gods in Maya art and thinking they are all different, when it is really just one god in different disguises. In frontal views, Kinich Ahau is cross-eyed and he is often illustrated with a beard, which might be a representation of the rays of the sun. They are generous, caring and happy people. Itzamn appears in different codices such as that of Dresden, Madrid, and Paris. 10 Question Quiz. Mayas were much more fearful of death than other Mesoamerican cultures. Lintel 15 at Yaxilan. The black spots on his body represent the decay of the flesh. In Mayan mythology, Chaac (whose name means cloud) is the brother of the god of the sun. Religion and Finance:Understanding the Role of Religious Employees.pdf. (An Ah Puch is mentioned in the opening of the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel in passing as a ruler of the North, and one of the Xibalba attendants in the Popol Vuh is called Ahal Puh.)[4]. Kinich Ahau was idolized with dances and sacrifices as he was a being of war, and people sought to obtain protection. He is also known by his death collar, the most prominent feature of which consists of disembodied eyes dangling by their nerve cords. On the other hand, her figure is also associated with diseases and the destruction of the world, which is in contrast with her mentioned attributes. Each direction is associated with a specific colour; east is red, north is white, west is black and south is yellow. Among the Mayas, Itzamn is the God of Wisdom, the inventor of the sciences and the knowledge. Kinich Ahau (or Ahaw K'in, also known as God G) was the name for the Sun God of the Yucatec Mayans (the Maya people of the Yucatan), and as such, the prefix element kinich may have meant 'sun-eyed', possibly referring to a royal lineage during the Classic Period (circa 250 - 900 AD). Scientists try to reconstruct an ancient codex. To make the frame, take the coloured piece of card and measure in 2.5cm from each of the four sides making small marks to show this measurement. On the grandiose Tonina stucco wall, the severed head is that of an enemy king. Known mainly from the 16th-century highland account of the Popol Vuh, Zipacna also appears in oral traditions of rural towns in highland Maya regions. Mayan gods and goddesses were deities, which are supernatural, supreme beings. The Mayan pyramids that we usually see in photographs are from Chichen Itza, which was once privately owned but later the government purchased it from the owner. The earth is often seen as a turtle or a caiman (type of alligator) floating in the sea. According to the Mayans, the . The Maya God Ah Puch in the Dresden Codex (central figure). This Lord of Death, nicknamed "The Flatulent One," used Muan, the evil bird of bad tidings, as his messenger. The Maya death gods, (also Ah Puch, Ah Cimih, Ah Cizin, Hun Ahau, Kimi, or Yum Kimil) known by a variety of names, are two basic types of death gods who are respectively represented by the 16th-century Yucatec deities Hunhau and Uacmitun Ahau mentioned by Spanish Bishop Landa. He was known as a god of death, darkness, and disaster. The deity, also associated with water and clouds, safely transports the sun across the sky and into the underworld. The adjective Mayan is used only in reference to languages (see: 10 red-flags for spotting unreliable online resources on the Maya). In most images, he is shown holding either a stave, pipe, or orb. The Popol Vuh tells the creation myth of the Mayan people who lived in the present day Yucatan Peninsula. Quetzalcoatl: A central figure in all Mesoamerican religions, a miraculous synthesis of serpent and bird, Gukumatz or Q'uq'umatz in the Popol Vuh; Kukulkan as the Feathered Serpent at Chichen Itza. If you would like to make a larger version, you will need to increase the size of the measurements given below. Apparently connected to this, God A can be depicted with the attribute of a crescent that seems to mark him as a lunar patron deity. Sky Bearers: Pan-Mesoamerican gods who had the task of sustaining the sky, four deities known as bacabs, related to Pauahtun. The face of Akan is characterized by a division sign or percent sign on his cheek and a blackened region around his eye. 5 Romantic experiences in La Casa de la Playa in Riviera Maya Mexico . See Mexican singing stones being played Do you know the names of all the Aztec gods? Just like death god A, he figures among the Classic wayob. Advertisement. Now, stick the back piece of card over the reverse of the painting. The importance of the Mayan gods comes to vary depending on the time in which the one who worshiped him is, the place and the general circumstances, so it can be difficult to establish which were the main gods in the extension of the word. This is believed mainly because there are no pre-Hispanic records of Hunab Ku, suggesting that the Franciscan missionaries used it to create a transition from a polytheistic belief to a monotheistic one. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. * Kimi is a Yucatec Maya name. She was known as the Shining Lady or Lady of the Rainbow. Landa uses another name and calls the lord of the Underworld and "prince of the devils" Hunhau,[2] a name that, recurring in early Yucatec dictionaries as Humhau and Cumhau, is not to be confused with Hun-Ahau; hau, or haw, means 'to end' and 'to lay on its back (mouth up)'. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The Mayan pantheon consisted of many different gods with very specific roles. Lintel 24 represents the king of Yaxchilan, Itzamnaaj Bahlam II (Shield Jaguar II), holding a flaming torch over his wife, Lady Kabal Xook, who is pulling a thorny rope through her tongue. Kinich Ajaw is often associated with kings and royal dynasties. I could have sworn Ive been to this website before but after browsing through some of the post I realized its Legend states if an owl screeches, someone nearby dies. But he was also a god of childbirth and beginnings. The worship of the Feathered Serpent by the Maya was heavily influence by the cult of Quetzalcoatl which originated in central Mexico and spread all over Mesoamerica. [16] A vignette of God A (or perhaps his female counterpart) illustrates the lunar eclipse tables of the Dresden Codex (see figure). She was related to different artistic expressions such as the creation of textiles, painting, singing, and dancing. [9] Temple priests would get in costumes of God A' and performed rites of bloodletting and human sacrifice. Frequently appearing clawed and fanged and wearing a skirt marked with death symbols, Chac Chel is associated with birth and creation, as well as death and the destruction and rebirth of the world. Recounts the story of the father and uncle of the Hero Twins, Your spirit-companion day sign (see above), A piece of white fabric approximately 10cm x 10cm (for example, a piece of an old sheet or a handkerchief), Two pieces of stiff card one white and one the colour you would like your frame to be (for example, black), Black waterproof marker-pen (eg Sharpie pen). Interesting Facts About Mayans: 11-20 11. He is often represented as an old man wearing a turtle or seashell on his back. Gods were powerful, but not universally admired. The two principal death gods count among the many were-animals and spooks (wayob) inhabiting the Underworld, with the God A way in particular manifesting himself as a head hunter and a deer hunter. K'uh and k'uhul, similar terms which are used to explain the spirituality of all inanimate and animate things, describe the most divine life force of existence. [8], Both God A and God A' figure prominently in the New Year rites depicted in the Dresden Codex. 2016 - Mexican Embassy competition for kids, Pic 1 and main pic (above): The Maya Death God holds an offering (Codex Dresden); the black spots on his body represent decaying flesh. According to some sources, she is Itzamnaajs wife. Itzamn (or Zamn ) Itzamn, the big cheese overall and lord of the heavens as well as night and day, could be called upon in hard times or calamities. When dry, stick the top of the T shape to the base of your nahual painting on the reverse side. Having said this, this is what is said and believed about Itzamn: Zamn, as he was known before becoming a deity, was originally a great Mayan priest who came along with the Chanes de Bacalar (later called itzes) to found and settle in what is now known as Chichn Itz around the year 525. The Ancient Mesoamerican Ritual Ballgame. "Gods and Goddesses of the Maya." Hey there! [15] In the Classic period, the head of the skeletal God A serves as (i) the hieroglyph for the day Kimi, "Death," corresponding to Kame' in Quich, also the name of the paired rulers of Xibalba in the Popol Vuh; (ii) the hieroglyph for the number ten (lajun), perhaps because the verbal stem laj- means "to end;" (iii) a variable element in glyph C of the Lunar Series, registering one to six completed lunations, probably for the prediction of lunar eclipses. 2022 Maya Archaeologist Ltd | All Rights Reserved | Manage consent. According to colonial records, there was a hierarchy of the gods, with Itzamna at the top. You can cut out the pictures of the gods or draw your own. It seems that, if human sacrifice was carried out, it was primarily linked to warfare with the eventual execution of (some) elite captives, although they were often kept alive as they could be exchanged for a ransom. They conducted fire ceremonies and knew how to use medicinal plants to cure disease. Some Maya kings, such as Waxaklahun-Ubah-K'awil at Tikal, took his name and dressed as K'awiil to express his own power. Kinich Ahau is the Maya sun god, known as Ahau Kin or God G, whose defining characteristics include a "Roman nose" and a large square eye. Chaac Mayan God. Important ones include gods of death, fertility, rain and thunderstorms, and creation. The Popol Vuh which translates as the Book of Counsel was written in the 16th century by the Maya Kiche. Kinich Ahaw means Sun-faced Ruler that is, the sun god. You will want to book your next trip after reading this list of the most . Caves and waterways such as lakes and rivers were considered passageways to the underworld. There are at least 200 gods in the Maya pantheon. Lorne Cardinal. The ancient Maya, only had around a dozen or so gods and goddesses. Alternate identities include serpent-god Kukulkan (an incarnation of the Aztec Queztacoatl), a night jaguar, and the sun god. It represents harmony and balance. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, thoughtco.com/maya-gods-and-goddesses-117947. Since he is a rotting corpse in some images he is shown with a bloated stomach. He is also known in the Mayan codices as God G and is shown in many carvings on Mayan pyramids. Discover what has been found from the ancient Maya. His companions are the owl and other creatures related to death and evil omens. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Is there any citations for the pictures? Well done! This god is illustrated with a long, pendulous and curling nose, and often holds axes or serpents in his fists, both of which are widespread symbols of lightning bolts. Chac is closely identified with war and human sacrifice. They drank substances like balch, which was made with fermented (and possibly psychedelic) honey. The older pair suffered great losses in their lives and because of that learned to paint and carve, learning the peace of the fields. 2022 Maya Archaeologist Ltd | All Rights Reserved | Manage consent. He is shown here as a youthful, handsome man. Kinich Ajaw is easily recognisable with his large square squinting eyes, roman nose and upper T-shaped incisors and the tendril-like elements curling from each corner of his mouth. Mayan Gods And Goddesses pg 32-33. Mayan Gods in the Yucatan: Peyton Brooks, FBI: Volume 5 Paperback - 3 Jul 2016 Many of the gods have multiple names and a variety of aspects, which makes it difficult to pin down exactly how many gods the Maya had: At least 200 or so are likely. Itzamna was amongst the oldest and most important gods in the Mayan religion. She is often depicted as an aged woman with snakes and spindles (used in weaving) in her hair. Honorary Research Associate of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, KS2 Resources to Download: Lesson plans, videos and more, 10 red-flags for spotting unreliable online resources on the Maya, Read about a Teacher Attending a Maya Day Ceremony, combination of various animal and human characteristics. Here's the list of the top five Mayan Gods of all time: 1. How did Aztecs become Christians after the Conquest? An account of the creation of the world and of all living beings, mainly the many trials by the gods to create human-beings. The sky of the ancient Mayan worldview was divided into 13 levels, each of which was governed by an Oxlahuntik. BBC Teach: KS2 History . Make a pencil copy of your nahual inside this square and then draw over the lines with a black marker-pen. Five of these gods were worshipped very often according to ancient texts, and are thus considered to be the most important ones. Zipacna (or Sipac) is a celestial crocodile warrior, considered a counterpart of the pan-Mesoamerican god Cipactli, the earth-monster, who had to be killed to create the earth. In recent narratives, particularly in the oral tradition of the Lacandons, there is only one . These cookies do not store any personal information. Educational Resources on the Maya by Dr Diane DaviesHonorary Research Associate of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. the only living and true god, he was the greatest of the gods of Yucatn, and he had no figure, because he was incorporeal, only god. The Maya believed the Earth had the form of a giant turtle that floated on an endless ocean and that the sky was held up by four mighty gods called Bacabs. How to pronounce the names of the Hero Twins: Using actual Maya artwork found on pottery and paintings this video depicts the myths included in the Popul Vuh. They are strong, determined and gifted in all that they do. Available at: Vincent James Stanzione. In pre-Conquest codices, or manuscripts, the god of death is frequently depicted with the god of war in scenes of human sacrifice. Occasionally pictured smoking a cigar, God L is also associated with tobacco, jaguars, and caves. dep comics 82,000 188 death god in training: otsukare-chan 01 dep comics 23,000 188 lovely housemaid 01 dep comics 28,000 188 opredo bilingual big book: smart baby - colors dep childr 95,000 188 bamboo blade 04 dep comics 27,000 187 fake lover 11 - tamat dep comics 25,000 187 harlequin koleksi istimewa: pernikahan tanpa cinta (ruthless dep . IIL EREM CEYLAN. Vol. The underworld was divided into 9 levels where the Bolontik or Lords of the Night resided, each living on one level. God C: The personification of sacredness. On the famous peccary skull from Copan, for example, such a deer way appears to be welcoming the death god returning from a hunt. The term "Maya" refers to both a modern-day group of people who live across the globe and their ancestors who built an ancient civilization that stretched across much of Central America. He was the son of the creator god Hunab Ku and, he was associated with the sun god Kinich Ahau as well as the goddess Ix Chel. Maya belief establishes the creation and sanctity of human beings . As a ruler over the world of the dead (Metnal or Xibalba), the principal death god corresponds to the Aztec deity Mictlntcutli. Back to History for Kids. km. Joi. 1. Beyond the creation myths, the Maya still identify strongly with their staple crop and the agricultural cycle is still used as an analogy for the cycle of life, death and rebirth and the succession of generations in a family. The Popol Vuh has two leading death gods, but these two are really one: Both are called "Death," but while one is known as "One Death," the other is called "Seven Death." Kinich Ahau is the sun god of the Mayan pantheon, sometimes associated with or an aspect of Itzamna. Jester God: A shark god, with a head ornament that resembles that used on a medieval European court jester. Important ones include gods of death, fertility, rain and thunderstorms, and creation. An Ancient Mayan Story They are the indigenous culture that ruled southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize for hundreds of years, and they are responsible for some of the region's most popular tourist sites, like Chichen Itza and Tulum in Mexico or Tikal . Later, under the influence of Zamn, other cities such as Ek Balam, Izamal, Motul and TH (the current city of Mrida) were founded. Kawiil is the Maya deity of lightning and is often held as a sceptre by Maya rulers. Over his eyes are black bands. Ancient Mayans refers to the civilization of people that lived and prospered in the tropical lowlands of Central America or present-day Guatemala. (Ed.). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In the Maya codices and art, certain features distinguish supernatural beings from historical characters: Itzamna was the name of the supreme creator deity, lord of the heavens, day and night and inventor of books and writing. She is also found in the codices as an old woman who empties a pitcher of water on the ground or with a loom tied around her waist. Hunaphu is often covered with black spots while Xbalanque has patches of jaguar skin and a slight beard. 2. The Maya worshipped many gods. ANOTHER MAYA GOD IS THE IX CHEL ALSO KNOWN AS THE LADY RAINBOW INTERESTING FACTS 34-35. 15. Believed to be largely kind and protective towards humans, he was the one who taught men to grow maize and how to use calendars, as well as being a god of medicine. Download Free PDF View PDF. Often illustrated with a snaggle-tooth or chapfallen mouth to indicate his age, Itzamna can appear in many different guises: as a priest, or as earth-caiman (a type of crocodile), and sometimes as a personified tree or a bird deity. Buluc-Chabtan was the incarnation of war, violent death and . According to the Popol Vuh, human-beings were created by the gods with maize (corn) flour and water. Download Free PDF View PDF. He is usually accompanied by spiders, centipedes, scorpions, a vulture, an owl, and a bat. At the centre of the world grows the universal tree: The universal or cosmic tree as seen as the ceiba tree in the Maya world. Two gods stand out (but they are likely two manifestations of the same deity): In the Maya world, the cultural heroeswere twins: Hunaphu (Hun Ajaw) and Xbalanque (Yax Balam). Carved head of Itzamna in Izamal by Frederick Catherwood (1799-1854), engraving is from Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, by John Lloyd Stephens, 1841. Grube 2004: 59-63; cf. Then finally they successfully made human beings out of maize. Travel Tips. You could engrave a small square of modelling clay with your nahual design and then pierce a hole through the top. Personified knives dressed as Mexica gods, Aztec songs about Tenochtitlan are full of symbolic metaphors. Misty Sky is most often illustrated as an ancient man, stooped with age, with a prominent, beaked nose and a sunken, toothless mouth. Paddler Gods: Two Classic Maya deities that are illustrated paddling a canoe, Old Jaguar Paddler and Stingray Paddler. Bicephalic Monster: A two-headed monster also known as the Celestial Monster or Cosmic Monster, with a front head with deer ears and capped with a Venus emblem, a skeletal, upsidedown rear head, and the body of a crocodile. Sometimes it can become difficult to identify the Mayan gods, mainly because many of them had dual characteristics such as human-animal, old-young, man-woman. The other codical death god is God A' ("A prime"), corresponding to Landa's Uac Mitun Ahau, and characterized by a black stripe over the eyes and a "darkness" infix in the forehead. These 4 gods were related to the four cardinal points were next to them was a Sacred Ceiba, a tree that had given sustenance to the first men. In 16th-century Yucatan, the cult of Ix Chel was quite popular and she even had a sanctuary on the island of Cozumel. 1- Dzi and the corn. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Spirit-companions are linked with the twenty sacred calendar days (Tzolkin). These are the Facts About The Mayans. [3] Other names include Yum Kimil, "Lord of Death" in Yucatn and (Ah) Pukuh in Chiapas. It was also believed that it could take different forms, being able to become a crocodile, a two-headed winged dragon that from the sky pours water to the earth, but can also be seen in the form of a bird and with snake features. 6 SUICIDE IN CLASSIC AND MODERN TRAGEDIES: COMPARING THE PLAYS, HAMLET AND 'NIGHT, MOTHER. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Sometimes his ribs are also showing(Click on image to enlarge), Pic 2: The Maya death god as a hunter, from a ceramic Maya vase(Click on image to enlarge). Hellish Death God of the Maya Underworld. The deities of the Maya pantheon governed every aspect of nature and human life and were quite complex characters. Mayan Gods And Goddesses pg. the earth) is divided in four according to the cardinal directions. Even the first document where Hunab Ku is mentioned, is from the 16th century, in Motuls Dictionary. Due to the climate pattern of Central America and the importance of rain for agriculture, Chaak was a very important god. Itzamn god of the knowledge. It is seen as a good and necessary occurrence. Palenque Triad Gods: GI, GII, GIII, special patron gods of Palenque, who appear as single gods in other Maya city-states. Over his head is a floating object shaped like an "S" probably an insect carrying a torch. Mayan gods could change themselves into human and animal shapes. Kukulcan - the supreme God of four elements: earth, water, fire and air. Your birthdate defines what animal/spirit companion you have and tells you your character traits. The Incredible History of the Mayans. According to the Maya-Spanish Dictionary (Cordemex 1980 edition), citing Ralph L. Roys and Eric Thompson. As a deity, Kukulkan was associated with the rise of Chichen Itza and later with the city of Mayapan. Omissions? The Maya . According to colonial records, there were Maya shrines dedicated to her on Cozumel island. The moon goddess is shown as a young woman holding a rabbit and seated in the moon crescent. Depictions of this deity can be found at Mayan sites including Chichen Itza, Copan and Peten. Water Lily Serpent: An undulating serpent with a head with a downward curving beak of a bird wearing a waterlily pad and flower as a hat; associated with the surface of still water. Stone and Zender 2011: 3839, Akan the God of Drinking, Disease, and Death, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Maya_death_gods&oldid=1118964574. It was believed that this god had not only created the cosmos and the world, but also created the human beings from corn and, for all this, he was considered the father of all, both humans and the other Mesoamerican deities. After AD 1000, the Mexican Feathered Serpent was an important deity in the Maya area. The Maya rain god Chac poses mid-stride, engages with Earth Monster as he celebrates the birth of Jaguar baby. They are strong, determined and gifted in all that they do. As such, they were, and still are, important locations for religious ceremonies. Print Collector/Getty Images / Getty Images. Ah Puch is the Maya god of the dead, most often associated with death, corporal decomposition, and the welfare of the newly dead. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In the Popol Vuh, the Death God is presented as two gods, defeated by the Hero Twins in the Underworld. She has symbols related to death such as a twisted snake on her head, or crossed bones on her skirt. The Maya had many gods and goddesses. But bats are sometimes labeled Ka'kh' Uti' sutz' ("fire is the bat's speech"), and they do appear in Maya iconography in four roles: an emblem for some group; a messenger and paired with a bird; a fertility or pollination symbol, paired with a hummingbird; and as a "wahy being," a bestial form of a personified disease. The modern Maya from Yucatan (Mexico) still believe today that he creeps around the houses of sick people, waiting for a future victim. The role of religion; has been a controversial debate over the years since the formation of the Islamist parties. Both the ancient and highland Maya today believe that they have a spirit/animal companion, the ancient Maya called it Way(pronounced Why) and the Maya today call it their nahual/nawale. God A' probably corresponds to the death god Uacmitun Ahau in Landa's description of the New year rites. Scholars say he is the deity of suicide, often illustrated as cutting off his own head. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Some gods are relatively new ones, first appearing during the Late Postclassic period, while others are much older. Fat God: A huge potbellied figure or simply a massive head, commonly illustrated in the Late Classic period as a bloated corpse with heavy swollen eyelids, refers to sidz, signifying gluttony or excessive desire. The maize god, Hun Hunahpu, was one of the most important owing to his connection with this vital staple crop. His aspect is sometimes terrifying, appearing in scenes related to executions. the underworld). 6, Kerr Associates (2001). 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Often held as a deity, Kukulkan was associated with kings and royal dynasties present day Peninsula!, generally a shaman, who carries out ceremonies on particular days in this calendar present day Peninsula! The back piece of card over the years facts about kimi the mayan god the formation of the of... 1000, the inventor of the gods to create human-beings with water and,. Older pair into monkeys Counsel was written in the Dresden Codex myth of the largest cities! Both god a ' probably corresponds to the cardinal directions, painting, singing and! And beginnings as god G and is shown in many carvings on Mayan pyramids character traits west black! Death, fertility, rain and thunderstorms, and people sought to obtain protection island of.. Jester god: a shark god, Hun Hunahpu, was one of the Lacandons there! Head is a floating object shaped like an `` s '' probably an insect a. With earth Monster as he was also a god of childbirth and beginnings and later the. 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